Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Resistance To Change Management
Resistance To Change Management From individual level to highest organizational level change is seen everywhere for their reformation and development. To cope up with globalization and for survival of the organisation a lot of companies are enforced to make their changes. But it is not always an easy task and some people are not willing to accept the change agenda because of inertia and the fare of losing their job (Edmonds, 2011). A different number of factors affect the change process and for the resistance many change program have failed (Waddell and Sohal, 1998). So for the achievement of successful change, resistance should be considered and managed accordingly (Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). The main objective of this paper is to analyse the organisational change management and specially different ways to address and minimize the resistance to manage successful change by reviewing different related literature. In first part define In this essay there are five sections, i.e. introduction, literature review, resistance to change, how to manage successful change and finally conclusion. What is Change? Before going to start review of different change models, it is important to describe the definitions and concept about organisational change to make a clear idea about it.Organisational change is the transformation of structure, quality and position by introducing latest ideas and dealings for the better performance and global adjustment of the organisation (Sckalk et. al., 1998, cited by Pardo-del-val et al., 2012). Organisational change basically in two types, where first one is evolutionary or incremental or first order change and anotherone is strategic or transformational or revolutionary or second order change (Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). The first category of change is a small scale change which improve the quality within the same framework on the other hand, second category of change is a radical one, organizational structure and basic framework are completely change here (Blumenthal and Haspeslag, 1994). The main objectiveof radical change is to improve the potent ials of the organisation for competing the market (Ruiz and Lorenzo, 1999). However organisational change also classified as planned change and emergent change(Bamford and Forrester, 2003).The planned approach organisational change highlights the different status which an organisation will have to shift from an unacceptable position to recognized desired position (Eldrod II and Tippett, 2002). The emergentchange suggests that it is an unpredictable and undesirable continuous method of adjustment to changing environments (Burnes, 2004). But uncertainty of circumstances create emergent approach more significant (Bamford and Forrester, 2003). So, an organization should identify the requirements of change and how to deal with that changes (Burnes, 2004). Although for the existence and effective competition successful management of change is highly required (Luecke, 2003). Why Change Basically change is requiredfor the global economic crisis, technological advancement, market competition and development of the organization (Brisson-Bank, 2010). Edmonds (2011) argued that some factors influence the organization for changing their strategy and forms. The factors are governmental change, joining with another one, global economic challenges, different formation, Strategy for leaving business, technological advancement and business strategy. Dawson, (1994) also described that, a single instrument or entire design of manufacturing process may be restored in the technological change process. When the structure or formation of an organization change it involves the employee structure, reward system and organisational communication system. Governmental or legislative change includes different policies, environmental control, employment opportunity etc. These factors are generally inter-reliant. For instance technological change may need skilled employee, competition among local engineering workforce etc. So, change is intended to different points but it cannot satisfy all. In reality it cannot be managed completely. He also added that if people are not clearly informed about change before implementation they make a resistance against the change process. Paton and McCalman, (2000) argues that naturally a favorable environment is created and accepted by an organization. When change is required, whatever it may be, the organization will face the resistance by its employee, stakeholder, customer, dealer, and distributor, because they feel comfortable with the present environment and frightened with uncertainty regarding change. He also added that the resistance can be reduced but this uncertainty cannot be eradicated completely. Resistance to change: Now it is important to give an idea about the barrier which hinders the change process at its different stages is resistance. So, resistance is defined asan opposing trend which affects the change agenda by delaying start, blocking implementation and raising theprice(Ansof, 1990, cited byPardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003).In addition resistance always wants to maintain status quo. It has a tendency to keep away from change as inertia (Rumelt, 1995). Resistance is indicated as the main cause of problem of implementation and failure of change agenda (Erwin and Garman, 2010). Dawson (2003) recognizes some factors which create resistance i.e.changing of job nature, transfer of job or economic insecurity, psychological pressure, lowering status and disturbance in societal arrangement. Graetz et al. (2002) has identified four main perceptions of resistance to change which are (cited by Hughes, 2006); the psychological model the system model the institutional approach, and theorganisational cultures approach. The psychological model indicates the resistance which is created by individuals behavior. The system model recommends that people do not resist change but they resist what they are losing.Resistance is establishedinorganisational formation, administrative procedure, and allocation of assets at the institutional approach. As the consequence of organisational culture resistance can be described in this approach(Hughes, 2006). Hambrick and Cannella (1989) have classified the resistance as three types which are as blind resistance, political resistance and ideological resistance. The persons of blind resistance type are considered to befrightened in any kind of changes. The considerations of political resistance type persons are to lose something valuable after the implementation of change. More over the persons of ideological resistance type consider thattheir establishedvalues may be tarnished if change is implemented (Hughes, 2006). Greetz et al. (2002) classified the resistance as active and passive where active resistance is occur at the time of aggressive change and passive resistance is occur at the period of indirect change. Continuum On the other hand Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes,( 2003) added that resistace is not always a negative notion when change is not very favorable.InadditionMabin et al., (2001) also argued that for the improvement of the quality of decision for transformation resistance can be make a positive role. Some factors createthe resistance at different stages of change process. Resistance creates difficulties at the stage of strategy formulation and at the stage of implementation. More over the sources of resistance are divided in five groups where first three groups act as the sources of resistance at the formulation stage and last two groups act as the sources of resistance at the implementation stage (Rumelt, 1995; cited by Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). Wrong perception: At the initial stage it is important toassess the needs for change, so incorrectassessment is the first barrier of change. It is also known as the barrier of interpretation.It contains another factors short-term mind set and do not have the clear idea about future strategy, Information rejection tendency, continuationof thoughts or trend to continue thoughts at the changingsituation, implied assumptions, barrier of communication, and organisational silence. Lower motivation: When change is done for a product manufacturing but it can create some problems for another. Different interest groups are involved in the change process. So sacrifice and motivation is needed. Shortage of innovative response: Reactive mentality and lack of commitment of highest authority are the main factors of this stage. Cultural and political gap: Politics of different sections, specific discrepancy among different groups, different values and environment for implementation are the main factors of this group. Another sources: Different sources are acted in the last group i.e. ineffective leadership, unplanned routines, problem of group action, shortage of required capabilities and distrust. How to manage resistance to successful change: Bamford and Forrester (2003) argues that management literature did not make any consensus about a suitable approach forsuccessfully managing organisational change. Some disagreements are always prevailing in this field. So change managers are confused to take decision for choosing the appropriate approach. They did not find any effective and reliable approach for applying in change management. If uncertainty is created by resistance not by change then resistance to change will be the major concern to manage not change itself (Carnall, 2003). Dowson (2003) has suggested that by participation, communication, support, negotiation, influence and force complexities of resistance can beovercome. He also argued that organizational development model supports the participatory approaches. In the reality it is better to employee involvement in the change process rather imposed by the management (Hughes, 2006). Resistance is created in major changes but negative effects of resistance can be red uced by open discussion andopenly discussed resistance is easily manageable than the resistance of unexpressed (Conner, 1998). It is necessary to be practical for managing resistance the nature and context of the resistance should be analyzed by the change managers (Hughes, 2006). The participatory approach is widely analyzed for its effectiveness and mostly discussed in business area as an important issue to smooth the progress of organisational change (Pardo-del-val et al., 2012). Generally, at present participatory management is playing an important part for reducing the resistance (Waddell and Sohal, 1998). Participatory approach is well received for its better creativeness and decision make (Lawler, 1993). Now it is important to know about the participative management and its impact on reducing resistance to organisational change. Participative management is a style where employees are involved in every step of the change process from decision making to implementation (Cole et al., 1993; cited byPardo-del-val et al., 2012). It is known as a traditionalconception in management literatureabout eighty years (Lawler, 1993). Managers share the decisions with the employees through information technology, training, management culture and leadership (Pardo-del-Val and Lloyd, 2003).The participative approach is generally recognized as the best method for managing resistance to organisational change which acts on two steps, firstly by decreasing resistance and then by increasing efficiency (Pardo-del-val et al., 2012).The success of changeprogramme depends on the proper identification of major sources of resistance. The change process start from its first step taking decision staff involvement is required from this stage. There is a connection between participation and commitment, and resistance is reduced by that commi tment. So the literatures opine that it is the best way to defeat resistance by the participationof all people (Pardo-del-val et al., 2012).When people feel that they are involved in the change process as well as decision making process a commitment is grown inside them by participating in the programme. Then the resistance created by the employees can be reduced by sharing the responsibilities within managers and staffs (Zeffane, 1996). Time consumption is the only shortcomingof this approach otherwisefor growing commitment and feeling it is very convenient process to manage resistance for a successful change (Lenz and Lyles, 1986). Communication is another process to implement change programme by reducing resistance (Hughes, 2006). It is impossible to make changes of an organization without effective communication with staffs (Barrett, 2002). Where communication is essential it depends on the nature, urgency, promptness and reactions of change (Quirke. 1995). The change management is generally a top down procedure, so management should provide information to the employee for clarify the necessity of transformation (Hayes, 2002). Balogun and Hope Hailey (2004) argued some reasons for communication in organizational change; Employees do not like to receive information from rumor; they always desire to know the information of change from their higher authority. Employees can realize and adjust if communicate with them earlier. Employees like to hear authentic information. Employees want to know about changes and do not like hidden policy. Finally Hughes, (2006) argued that the strategic communication is necessary for a strategic change. So, by proper communication resistance can be reduced to manage successful change. Moreover, middle managers can play an important role for both reduce the resistance and implement the change.Bamford and Forrester (2003) argue that senior managers are mainly involved with policy formulation and control but middle managers are directly involved with customer, workers and suppliers. So, operating managers have the multi-dimensional experience. They can predict the consequences of transformation. For these reasons necessary measures and adaptation policies can be taken. Middle managers can displayand filter the proposal of change initiatives and suggest to authority. Then senior managers can take decision by analyzing the proposals of middle managers. The planned change can be executedby managers with their understanding and experiences but emergent changes related to development cannot be executed solely, it needs multifunctional approaches (Wilson, 1992). Additionally Edmonds (2011) argued that team work and training have the role to implement change by decreasing resistance. He asserts that team sets task, scheduling and aim to achieve goal and develops interpersonal relations which is important for change initiatives. Edmonds also emphasized that some special skills are essentialfor manage different types of changes. Training is the basic way to attainthose skills. Finally Taylor (1999) added that training can support to understand the implementation procedure of change and clear the ambiguity. Recommendations for Further Research: Drawing the attention on change agenda, there may be basic requirement of an appropriate outline for the management of organisational change. Due to shortage of experimental study on change management in organisations, it is recommended that more research into the character of change management will be directed. The primary stage may be to complete investigative studies to enhance the understanding themanagement oforganisational change.The significant success factors can be identified by these studies for the change management. Moreover, it is very much essential to determine success rate for creating a suitable structure of change management. Therefore, determinationtechniques should be intended (Todnem By, 2005). Conclusion: Change is a continuous process for organisational development and adjusting with modern world. So, managing change is an important issue for an organization and successfully management of it is highly required (Todnem By, 2005). In the process of management of change resistance is a factor which is to be considered. So success of change depends on the success of managing resistance. Where, resistance wants to keep the organization in its current position by delaying the process. There are different factors acting as resistance which are organizational values, interests of the employees, communication gap, stillness of organization, and lack of capabilities of management and employees. So, management should consider these factors to reduce resistance for successful change (Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). To reduce the resistance to change there is no universal way but some probable approaches are suggested in different management literature. Executives should give proper concentration for their needs. Moreover Pardo-del-val et al., (2012) suggested that participative management can be the one of the best way to reduce resistance. He also added that participative approach canproperlyaddressthe mentioned sources of resistance as a result output of the change process can be improved.He showed a positive relation between employee participation and resistance. Any complicacy related to change process can be resolved by the participation of staffs (Waddell and Sohal, 1998). Furthermore the barriers of change programme can be removed by open discussion (Beer and Eisenstat, 1996). Finally Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003 suggested that change managers can take an important role to implement successful organizational change. Managers have to know the effect of change on organisational culture and take probable measures to develop before start. This measure will be helpful to develop the relation between staffs and managers. He also emphasized that training can lessen the resistance by reducingthe barriers of communication and develop the essential skills for the change. Reference:Claire V. Brisson-Banks, (2010),Managing change and transitions: a comparison of different models and their commonalities, Library Management, Vol. 31 Iss: 4 pp. 241 252 John Edmonds, (2011),Managing successful change, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 43 Iss: 6 pp. 349 353 Paton, R.A. and McCalman, J. (2000), Change Management: A guide to effective implementation, Sage, London.
Monday, January 20, 2020
After the Bomb by Gloria Miklowitz :: After the Bomb by Gloria Miklowitz
After the Bomb            After the Bomb written by Gloria Miklowitz is a thrilling novel that takes place before, during, and after a bomb which supposedly was sent from Russia by accident. L.A. and surrounding cities are all altered by the disastrous happening. Philip Singer a teenager is in a position as leader of the family. His brother Matt is awfully sick, possibly from radiation, his father was away at work during the blast and for all Philip knows he might be dead, and his mother was desperately injured and needs immediate attention. Hospitals are flooded with injured and dying people and the government doesn't send help for a few days. The badly injured don't even get the chance to be helped because the hospitals have to send the ones that are likely going to live to hospitals that specialize in burns. His mother is so badly burned that the hospitals put her on the bottom of the list to be flown to burn centers. By the end of the novel Philip has taken charge, snuck his mom ahead to be flown to a burn center, and in a sense saved his town from thirst. He truly survived the terror, shock, and danger of the bomb. The novel goes through a couple of settings such as, Philip's struggle to keep his family alive, and the conflict between the nature of a nuclear bomb against the Los Angeles area. When the bomb hits he is playing around in a playroom shelter with his brother and his girlfriend. They go out to find out what had happened and found burning houses, their house only left with one wall, rubble on the ground, debris all over the place, and people running frantically for shelter. Philip's brother became sick after finding his mother and bringing her back down to the shelter, and found that his mother had been burnt severely and needed immediate medical attention. Philip struggles to keep his brother from getting even more sick than he was and to bring his mother to a hospital. Philip's family weren't the only people affected by the bomb. the entire surrounding area of Los Angeles was pounded by a devastating bomb. Churches, Hospitals, and streets were flooded with sick, dying, and even dead people. Hospitals that were built to only withstand 200 people now have thousands, and hospitals lack food, doctors, and water.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Inside Islam notes Essay
Islam means Peace and Submission (The peace that comes from submission, the attention to God that comes from peace.) Allah Akbar means â€Å"God is great.†Sunni = 85% of Muslim population; Shia = 10%; Sufi less than 5% Islam is not only a religion of the Middle East: largest population of Muslims is in India. Largest Islamic country is Indonesia. Of same faith tradition as both Christians and Jews Muslims & Jews are both monotheistic, differ only on mainly messianic theology Places of worship differ yet can coexist; Spain fostered all three Abrahamic faiths during pre-Ferdinand and Isabella era (pre-1492) Part 2 of 9: Pre Muslim Mecca, Quraish tribe, Muhammad’s early years & first vision, Qur’an, 1st pillar shahadah, and start of 2nd pillar prayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtFkhC7DIIo Muslims descended from Hagar and Ishmael, who fled to the desert Abraham, according to Muslim legend, built Ka’ba Quraysh tribe controlled Mecca as trading city. Later put icons and statues of various tribal Gods inside Ka’ba so Mecca would become even more important as a pilgrimage site. Muhammad was born several generations later in 570 AD into a wealthy family. His dad died, his grandfather sent him to live with trading caravans. As a young man he became a talented caravanier, married Khadijah Muhammad illiterate, so others recorded his recitations Qur’an means â€Å"recitation,†a mix of poetry, stories, admonitions, advice and warnings. Part 3 of 9: 2nd pillar (prayer) continued, Muhammad gains followers, conflict with Meccans, Hijra, to Ummayad dynasty; beginning of 3rd pillar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h4bcCSsc9A&NR=1 Muhammad gave sermons against polytheism to pilgrims arriving at the Ka’ba in Mecca; was persecuted by Quraish Muhammad had no strong political ally, few followers initially. Journeyed to Yathrib (later named Medina, â€Å"City of the Prophet†) to arbitrate dispute between city states. Became year 0 in Islamic calendar, 622 CE. Set up first Islamic community (Ummah) Meccans were enraged, attacked Medina to destroy Muslims. Battle of Badr, outnumbered by Meccans, yet Medinans won Muslims triumphed 630 AD Muslims returned to Mecca Cleansed Abraham’s sacred temple (Ka’ba) of idols of pilgrims, kept the Ka’ba (lit. â€Å"cube†) as the central expression of monotheism Offered Meccans freedom for peace, many converted Arab tribes came to pay tribute to Muhammad and convert Umayyads 1st dynasty 750  Within a century of Muhammad’s death Muslims controlled more land than the Roman Empireâ€â€Turkey to parts of China. Jews and Christians were exempt from conversion to Islam 3rd pillar: Charity is heavily emphasized in the Qur’an, even more than the subordinate status of women Part 4 of 9: 3rd pillar, charity, continued; 4th pillar, Ramadan, Abbasid dynasty; Crusades; Mongols: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKsm3O23Itg&NR=1 3rd Pillar: Charity: From everything you own you give 2.5% All money collected must be given to those in need One must follow the fast during the month of Ramadan as the 4th pillar Fast lasts from sunrise till sunset Exceptions are made for the sick, weak, children, and the mothers who are expecting It’s a time to intensify your efforts to build your relationship with God The festival of the great Eid (Lit. festival) of the breaking of the fast Shia split from the Sunni after the death of Hussein (680 AD) There was a discrepancy of how leaders should be put in place Shia believed that leaders should be direct descendants of Muhammad Sunni believed leadersshould be elected democratically 8th century golden age in Iraq, Abbasid dynasty arose in Bagdad Abbasids valued learning, Greek philosophy and natural science. Algebra invented, decimals, exponents. Medicine developed, orthopedics, mental illness treatment, surgery. Crusades: Jerusalem is 3rd most sacred city for Muslims 1099: Christians slaughter 30k Muslims 1258 Genghis Khan’s grandson & his Mongols plundered Bagdad Part 5 of 9: Mongol era: 5th Pillar, Hajj; in Spain, interfaith cooperation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXWJDY8AsFo&feature=related The Mongol Khan becomes a Muslim, Lesser pilgrimage can be taken to Mecca at any time of the year (min 0:30) Hajj, the greater pilgrimage, occurs only once a year a. Ihram1 = 2 white cloths in which you will be buried are worn during Hajj, significance is equality, Ihram2 is also = peaceful demeanor to accept all as brothers & sisters. b. Ablution (ritual washing) leads to first stage: circumambulation 7 times God is the axis of one’s life c. 2nd step is to march between 2 hills representing Hagar’s search for water for Ismael; represents one’s struggle in life d. Next day they travel to the plain of Arafat. Pilgrims walk in quiet prayer confessing sins at Mount of Arafat. e. Next, to Mina to throw stones at 3 pillars representing Satan, sins are forgiven f. Last event prayer service at Ka’ba Muslim scholars preserved writings from hordes 711 CE: Muslims arrive at Gibraltar a. Called Moors, dwelled in Andalusia, cities of Cordoba & Seville b. Horticulture, math, navigation developed c. Muslim, Jewish & Christian scholars worked together became a source for the Renaissance Part 6 of 9: Spain, Ottoman Empire; place of women; Colonialism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olUPtXRC6U&NR=1 Reconquista, Christian re-conquest of Spain expelling Moors and forcing conversion or expulsion of Jews 1492 the Moors were kicked out of Spain 1453 Greek Constantinople fell to Muslim troops; name changed to Istanbul = â€Å"Islam in Abundance†Sultan was the ruler of Islamic Ottoman society. Sultan means ruler Sultan’s Harem (Haram – forbidden, taboo)– group of concubines, in Western eyes they are dens of iniquity, but in Islamic practice they were centers of protection for women and sources for caucusing about political power Islamic polygamy: all wives need to be treated equally Women’s rights clearly defined in Qur’an Qur’an tried to do away with negativism toward women. Gave women basic rights, To own property, receive inheritance, vote (1300 years before western societies permitted it), choose spouse The hijab – the cloth that Islamic women wear on their heads Symbol of humility before God became a symbol of oppression in eyes of West Burka refers to a total body covering In the 1800s the Europeans start taking advantage of the Islamic world, esp with Industrial Revolution Ottomans weakened, starting with Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt. Part 7 of 9: Suez Canal; France colonizes Algeria; WWI; colonialism; Wahabism, Jihad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH2lGUr7eJ4&NR=1 Colonial sense of superiority disparaged Muslims France took over northern Africa and the northern part of the Middle East, discouraging Arabic language and Islamic faith. England expanded into Egypt after creating the Suez Canal, also taking the Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, and Iraq. Ottomans sided with Germany in WWI, so England & France took Muslim lands when Germany lost (min 2:40) Muslim Brotherhood arose in Egypt in 1928 Some Muslim states encouraged western style central authoritarian dictatorships; Muslim Brotherhood resisted these. Following WW2 Muslims throughout European colonies rose up, demanding release from the European counties. Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahab – became a leader in the Islamic world, preaching an ascetic, puritanical form of Islam Created Wahabism, founded Saudi State, merging desert warrior spirit with puritanical reform. Very fundamental and radical form of Islam Was supported by Saud family, who would become rulers of Saudi Arabia Oil gave Saudis great wealth allowing them to expand Wahabist beliefs. Giving the money to organizations has caused an even more radical group of beliefs to arise Jihad = â€Å"struggle.†The greater jihad is the struggle of one’s will against one’s passions and weaknesses, an inner struggle. The lesser jihad is a defensive war, using just war criteria. Some groups called for a radical Jihad –war against western nations The end justifying the means leads to terrorism. Osama Bin-Laden in particular Part 8 of 9: Malcolm X; Israel; Iran hostage crisis, Iraq: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKHuc0ehFPc Malcolm X: â€Å"We (blacks) did not land on Plymouth Rock; the rock was landed on us†Walhid Farad formed the Nation of Islam Elijah Poole joined him; changed name to Elijah Muhammad & took charge in 1934 Malcolm Little heard about Nation of Islam in Prison, changed name to Malcolm X Malcolm X: â€Å"What was your name before you lost it?†Malcolm X came back from hajj inspired to join Nation of Islam to traditional Islam; Gunned down By 1975, Elijah’s son brought about Malcolm X’s dream: changed name to World Community of Islam Louis Farrakhan continued in old ways of separation Israel made a state in 1948. In 6 Day War in 1967 tensions increased with Muslims 1978 Iran’s Shah fell to Shiite Ayatollah Khomeini; US cast as â€Å"Great Satan†Students took US embassy workers in Tehran as hostages for 444 days Sadat in Egypt assassinated; he had signed a peace treaty with Israel. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990; coalition lead by US stopped him, imposed no-fly Zone Part 9 of 9: Suicide bombing; Islamic hell & heaven; wrap up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egTCPablawQ&NR=1 9/11 made people aware not only of radical fringe of Islam, but also of the peaceful Muslim neighbors. Even in heaven one cannot see God Pleas for peace Few stable & fair Muslim governments have replaced colonial governments Part 1 of 9: Intro and basic facts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAjsu1ATrts Part 2 of 9: Pre Muslim Mecca, Quraish tribe, Muhammad’s early years & first vision, Qur’an, 1st pillar shahadah, and start of 2nd pillar prayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtFkhC7DIIo Part 3 of 9: 2nd pillar (prayer) continued, Muhammad gains followers, conflict with Meccans, Hijra, to Ummayad dynasty; beginning of 3rd pillar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h4bcCSsc9A&NR=1 Part 4 of 9: 3rdpillar, charity, continued; 4th pillar, Ramadan, Abbasid dynasty; Crusades; Mongols: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKsm3O23Itg&NR=1 Part 5 of 9: Mongol era: 5thPillar, Hajj; in Spain, interfaith cooperation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXWJDY8AsFo&feature=related Part 6 of 9: Spain, Ottoman Empire; place of women; Colonialism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olUPtXRC6U&NR=1 Part 7 of 9: Suez Canal; France colonizes Algeria; WWI; colonialism; Wahabism, Jihad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH2lGUr7eJ4&NR=1 Part 8 of 9: Malcolm X; Israel; Iran hostage crisis, Iraq: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKHuc0ehFPc Part 9 of 9: Suicide bombing; Islamic hell & heaven; wrap up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egTCPablawQ&NR=1
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Marian Wright Edelman, Childrens Rights Activist
Marian Wright Edelman (born June 6, 1939) is an American lawyer, educator, and childrens rights activist. In 1973, she founded the Childrens Defense Fund, an advocacy and research group. Edelman was the first African-American woman to be admitted to the Mississippi state bar. Fast Facts: Marian Wright Edelman Known For: Edelman is a childrens rights advocate who founded the Childrens Defense Fund.Born: June 6, 1939 in Bennettsville, South CarolinaParents: Arthur Jerome Wright and Maggie Leola BowenEducation: Spelman College, Yale Law SchoolAwards and Honors: MacArthur Fellowship, Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, National Womens Hall of Fame, Community of Christ International Peace Award, Presidential Medal of FreedomSpouse: Peter Edelman (m. 1968)Children: Joshua, Jonah, EzraNotable Quote: So much of Americas tragic and costly failure to care for all its children stems from our tendency to distinguish between our own children and other peoples childrenâ€â€as if justice were divisible. Early Life Marian Wright Edelman was born on born June 6, 1939, and raised in Bennettsville, South Carolina, one of five children. Her father Arthur Wright was a Baptist preacher who taught his children that Christianity required service in this world and was influenced by A. Phillip Randolph. Her mother was Maggie Leola Bowen. Marians father died when she was only 14 years old. In his last words to her, he urged her not to let anything get in the way of your education. Education Edelman went on to study at Spelman College. She studied abroad on a Merrill scholarship and later traveled to the Soviet Union on a Lisle fellowship. When she returned to Spelman in 1959, Edelman became involved in the civil rights movement. This work inspired her to drop her plans to enter the foreign service and study law instead. As a law student at Yale University, she worked on a project to register African-American voters in Mississippi. Career In 1963 after graduating from Yale Law School, Edelman worked first in New York for the NAACP Legal and Defense Fund and then in Mississippi for the same organization. There, she became the first African-American woman to practice law. During her time in Mississippi, she worked on racial justice issues connected with the civil rights movement and helped get a Head Start program established in her community. During a tour by Robert Kennedy and Joseph Clark of Mississippis poverty-ridden Delta slums, Marian met Peter Edelman, an assistant to Kennedy, and the next year she moved to Washington, D.C., to marry him and to work for social justice in the center of Americas political scene. The couple had three sons: Joshua, Jonah, and Ezra. Jonah is the founder of Stand for Children, a group that promotes childrens education initiatives, and Ezra is a documentary filmmaker who won an Emmy for his film O.J.: Made in America. In Washington, D.C., Edelman continued her social justice work, helping to organize Martin Luther Kings Poor Peoples Campaign and assisting with the efforts of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She then began to focus on issues related to child development and child poverty. Childrens Defense Fund In 1973, Edelman established the Childrens Defense Fund as a voice for poor, minority, and disabled children. She served as a public speaker on behalf of these children, and also as a lobbyist in Congress and both president and administrative head of the organization. The agency served not only as an advocacy organization, but as a research center, documenting the problems of children in need and searching for ways to help them. To keep the agency independent, she saw that it was financed entirely with private funds. The Childrens Defense Fund has supported a variety of the legislation, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which created protections for children with disabilities in the classroom; the Childrens Health Insurance Program, which expanded health insurance coverage for children; and the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, which improved foster care programs. Edelman has published several books about her ideas. The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours was a surprising success. In the 1990s after Bill Clinton was elected President, First Lady Hillary Clintons involvement with the Childrens Defense Fund brought significant attention to the organization. But Edelman did not pull her punches in criticizing the Clinton administrations legislative agendaâ€â€including its welfare reform initiativesâ€â€when she believed it would be disadvantageous to the nations neediest children. In 1993, the Childrens Defense Fund launched a Freedom Schools initiative to promote literacy and learning through reading. The group also launched a program that awards college scholarships and trains young leaders. The Childrens Defense Fund has also been involved in efforts to help low-income families with childcare and healthcare. As part of the efforts of the Childrens Defense Fund, Edelman has also advocated for pregnancy prevention, child care funding, health care funding, prenatal care, and gun control. In 1985, she received a MacArthur Genius grant, and in 1991 she was named ABCs Person of the Weekâ€â€The Childrens Champion. Edelman is also the recipient of more than 65 honorary degrees. In 2000, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedomâ€â€one of the nations highest honors. Books Edelman is the author of numerous books for children and adults. Her titles for young readers include Im Your Child, God: Prayers for Our Children, Guide My Feet: Prayers and Meditations for Our Children, The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours, and Stand for Children. Edelmans books for adults include Lanterns: A Memoir of Mentors, I Dream a World, and Families in Peril: An Agenda for Social Change. Sources Edelman, Marian Wright. The Measure of Our Success: a Letter to My Children and Yours. Beacon Press, 1993.Siegel, Beatrice. Marian Wright Edelman: the Making of a Crusader. Simon Schuster, 1995.
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