Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Importance of Sound in William Shakespeares Macbeth Essays
The Importance of Sound in Macbeth   â â â Macbeth, the most brief and maybe darkest play by Shakespeare, is a story of superseding desire, human instinct, and heavenly intruding. Macbeth is the fundamental character in the play, and despite the fact that he starts the story a devoted subject and courageous saint, the force offered on him poisens and ruins him until he in the long run turns fiendishness and looks for additional, to his defeat. As the focal figure of the play, Macbeth gets under way a succession of occasions that realizes the annihilation and inevitable resurrection of Scotland, giving the play a basically dim tone. There are, in any case, fluctuating degrees of fiendishness, unobtrusively extraordinary in surface and setting. One way Shakespeare demonstrates the styles of abhorrence all through the play Macbeth is using sounds. Sounds in the play fall under four classes: nature, man-made, the hints of fight, and human cries.  The main classification of sounds utilized are that of nature, which represent detestable deeds and demise. Creature sounds generally pervasive all through the play are those of feathered creatures, explicitly those of owls and ravens. Customarily, owls represent passing and to hear the call of one is viewed as not well omened. In Act II, Lady Macbeth - an animal of shrewdness herself-remarks, Behold! Harmony! /It was the owl that screeched, the lethal bellman,/which gives the stern'st goodnight (II, ii, 3-5). The goodnight alluded to, to some degree amusingly, is that of endless rest, as she most likely is aware King Duncan has quite recently been killed, maybe at the exact second the owl called. This sign could have been deciphered as either great or sick by her, since her structures were abhorrent and the owl could have spoken to the Darkness' acknowledgment of her, or as her very own hinting sinking into darkne... ...ird) like all together. And so it is, and consistently will reasonable be foul and foul be reasonable.  Works Cited: De Quincy, Thomas. From On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth. Elements of Literature, Sixth Course. Eds. Robert Probst, et. Al. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1997: 330-331 Evans, G. Blackemore. Macbeth. In The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blackemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mufflin Company. 1974: 1307-1311 Symbolism in Macbeth. Anonymous. September 15, 2014. Http:// Symbolism of Disease and Corruption. Anonymous 2. September 15, 2014. Http:// Significance of the Last Two Scenes in Macbeth. Anonymous 5. September 15, 2014. Http:// Macbeth. Anonymous. September 15, 2014. Http://
Saturday, August 22, 2020
International Financial Management
Question: Talk about theInternational Financial Management. Answer: Talking about Arbitrage The procedure of simultaneous buying and selling of an advantage from various sorts of market and areas so as to take the advantage of value vacillations is known as exchange (The Economics Times, 2016). According to my perspective in exchange, the distinction in the cost of a benefit is viewed as the net sum payable from the business. I accept that getting profits by the use of the distinctive exchange for charge intentions is known as expense exchange. My understandings uncover that the organization utilizes better places for buying the benefits so as to exploit the duty rate. For example, the organization may take rent of an advantage in one nation, which is adaptable in the treatment of the capital resource use and the benefits got by the organization. Thus, the liberal help of that nation in the administration of the exchanges would permit the organization to create a critical straight expense misfortune on the understanding of the business (Murphy, 2012). From the above model, I feel that duty exchange is a typical thing in the current day situation of a business. Numerous organizations so as to acquire expanded benefits use the act of buying comparable sort of advantages from various areas to spare the duties on the exchange. As indicated by my view, the expense structure of Apple with the Irish government has helped the organization to pay relatively bring down pace of duty in Ireland. Apple has framed two strengthening elements in Ireland. These auxiliary elements are named as Apple Sales International and Apple activities Europe, which have greater part of the companys resources. Apple Inc. in Ireland gives the permit to offering telephones to different auxiliaries in the worldwide market. For instance, if iphone is sold in China, the auxiliaries of Apple present in that would need to pay for utilizing the property of the Irish organization. Along these lines, the benefit earned by giving permit to the worldwide auxiliaries would at last come to Irish auxiliary. Along these lines, the benefit produced from the various auxiliaries of Apple gets charged at low rate in Ireland. This permitted the organization to get benefits on charges from such expense concurrence with the Irish government (Taylor, 2016) . From the above situation, I can say that that Apple was not blameworthy of rehearsing charge exchange in Ireland and rather kept on paying the corporate assessments according to the duty structure understanding that had been fixed between the organization and Irish government European Union (EU) and Its Decision on Apple Indeed, I believe that EU has been uncalled for with Apple and this can be seen from the reactions identified with the European Unions choice on Apples tasks in the worldwide market. As indicated by European commission, Irish government has permitted Apple to pay a similarly lesser measure of corporate expense on the business tasks. The administration of Ireland and Apple have couldn't help contradicting the charge of EU additionally chooses to make an intrigue against it. EU, in this manner expresses that the organization just paid 1% corporate expense instead of 12.5%, which is a standard pace of assessment in Ireland for the corporate bodies. The administration of the United States of America has reacted that retroactive expense appraisal made by EU is out of line and is disheartening the capacity of the US organizations to battle financially in Europe. The Irish government additionally looks for an endorsement from the Irish bureau for the intrigue against the claims. 90%of the b enefits of Apple created from the outside nations are lawfully treated in the Ireland. Consequently, this shows EU was uncalled for with the presentation of Apple on forcing 13bn as assessment for violating the state help laws (BBC, 2016). The CEO of Apple, Tom Cook has referenced a few focuses with respect to the tasks of Apple in Europe which incorporates the accompanying: The organization had begun business 36years prior in Europe, when iphone was not presented The organization around then had the option to give work chances to in excess of 6,000 individuals across Ireland The achievement of the organization has had the option to make more than 1.5 million employments in the Europe. The organization has consistently played out its job as a mindful corporate body and has even contributed to a great extent towards the network and the country The developing business has situated the organization as the significant citizens in Ireland and even all around. The guidelines and direction of the Irish government in regards to the activity of the business has been trailed by the organization to follow the various sorts of assessment rules (Source: Toor, 2016) In this way, I feel that the case of EU on Irish government preferring Apple on charge laws is unjustifiable and would cause an upsetting situation relating to the power of the part conditions of EU on charge rules. Synopsis on Who Would Receive the 13bn That Apple Have Been Ordered To Pay I accept that, the sum took care of by Apple as duty punishment must be gotten by the administration of Ireland. Forcing back expenses on Apple as per EU implies that the organization has not been paying the genuine corporate assessment pace of 12.5% according to then duty standards of Ireland. An examination by the European commission has uncovered that Apple pays just 0.005% expense all the time, which is considerably lesser than the genuine corporate duty rate. It is likewise grasped that the specific treatment of the Irish government towards Apple has allowed the organization to pay such lower pace of assessment. The European commission has begun revamping the historical backdrop of Apple with respect to the carelessness in paying charges in Ireland and not following the International assessment framework (Baird, 2016). According to me, Apple in Ireland may need to bring about $14.5 million as expense fine. The sum paid by Apple as duty has been found as 1% in 2013 out of 12.5 % of the corporate assessment. The cash would be payable by Apple to the administration of Ireland as a remuneration for not contributing the genuine measure of corporate duty. Consequently, I feel that, the choice by the European Commission has been viewed as a disputable issue on the planet. The tax assessment official of EU has expressed that such adaptable treatment on expense would let the nearby little organizations of Europe endure in contending with the opponents in the market. For each 1 million benefit, the organization just made good on 500 as duty, which is even under 1% (Meyer, 2016). View from Investors Perspective on Apple Case As a financial specialist, I guess that the European Commissions charge punishment on Apple shows the dull notoriety of the EU. I accept that the instance of Apple would not prevent the organization from putting resources into its objective market of Ireland and I would extensively buy the portions of the Apple soon. My sentiment is that the least corporate duty pace of 12.5% in the Western Europe has made Ireland a definitive goal for the outside organizations to contribute their capital in that. In this manner, each financial specialist believe that the low migration cost and duty would consistently pull in the worldwide speculators to Ireland (Doyle Flanagan 2016). I consider that the punishing Apple for charge exchange would not be a reasonable choice to be embraced by the EU. The duty course of action of Apple with the Irish government is a piece of an understanding and ought not force an expense discipline to the organization. Apple has consistently worked its business by observing the guidelines and guidelines. Consequently, European commission can't control the federalism motivation and Apple has been punished as it is perhaps the biggest organization on the planet with sound notoriety in the global market (The Irish Times, 2016). My perspectives state that, European Commissions choice of punishing Apple if gets effective, the Irish government reserve would get helped, however the notoriety of turning out to be acceptable goal for the venture may not exist for the more extended timeframe. After Brexit, the EU has no expert on the corporate assessment on United Kingdom and it could be another decision for the financial specialists like me to contribute for future benefit age. There can be a readiness of outside nation to put straightforwardly in United Kingdom than the other EU nations. The measure of expense, whenever paid by Apple to the administration of Ireland would then have been more than the administration spending on countrys wellbeing administrations (The Guardian, 2016). Effect of Apple Case on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) On Ireland and EU As I would see it, the Apples case identified with charge exchange would have a blended effect on the outside direct venture of Ireland and EU. Monetary situation of Ireland may get improved with the choice of European commission, yet it might prompt a financial vulnerability in the medium term. The worldwide speculators may not consider Ireland to be the appropriate goal for the FDI on the off chance that Apple is seen as blameworthy. Consequently, there are conceivable outcomes of insecure political circumstance and monetary effect of Apple case in Ireland and EU (RTE, 2016). I accept that the commissions choice on Apple case would hamper the FDI speculation and consequently the chance of employment creation in open economy would be less. Along these lines, Irelands picture in the worldwide market would discolor because of which the outside nation would show less enthusiasm for the structure of money related foundation into the nation. The decision of EU has made an unbalanced situation for the remote speculators who generally have a place with the English talking countries. The FDI of Ireland is 500% of the countrys economy and is viewed as the second biggest in the European Union. The Ireland and EU may need to confront the dangers of losing its remote speculators, who encouraged the work openings in Ireland (The Business Times, 2016). According to my understandings, the connection between the EU and the United States of America may likewise get influenced with the Apple case in Ireland. The US financial specialists and the US house delegates have expressed that the choice of European commission to force punishment on Apple is horrendous. The instance of Apple would send a wrong messag
Friday, August 21, 2020
6 Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Sites Conversion Rates
6 Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Site’s Conversion Rates Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!6 Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Site’s Conversion RatesUpdated On 10/01/2018Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : eCommerceShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogIt can be easy to obsess over conversion rates when you’ve just launched a new eCommerce site, and it’s perfectly normal. At the end of the day, it’s the sale that counts. You can have the best-designed site in the world and the best advertising campaign, but, at the end of the day, all of it will be gone to waste if you can’t convert visitors. In this article, we’re going to give you a few actionable tips that will allow you to increase your eCommerce site’s conversion rates.Create UrgencyCreating a sense of urgency is a marketing method that has been used since the beginning of time. Rarity always boosts the value of an item, and by pushing the idea that a particular it em is limited, or that a certain item is only available for a limited time, you’ll be able to boost conversion rates significantly. However, you can’t use this method all the time, or else your regular clients will start to catch on and won’t fall for the trick.Make Personalized OffersOffering personalized offers is also a great way to engage your new clients and encourage them to buy. For instance, you could offer a special discount or free shipping to your new email list subscribers. You could also offer free shipping to first-time visitors by using something like OptinMonster’s page level targeted messages and pop-ups. You’ll be able to identify people who just visited your website for the first time and send them an optimized message just for them. You could also use this feature to advertise some of your promotions more aggressively to lingering customers.Attract the Right Type of CustomersThe way you gather leads as well as where and how you advertise to customers wi ll also affect your conversion rate. For instance, clients that come through targeted email marketing campaigns are usually much more inclined to buy then those you reached through display advertising or video ads. The more targeted the traffic, the higher the conversion rate. It’s up to you to choose which marketing methods suit your needs and budget best.PPC usually is at the top of the list followed by SEO and social media and video ads. Methods like PPC will give you faster, better results, but your cost per click may not be worth it. SEO is a slow burner, but once traffic starts rolling it, it is one of the advertisement methods with the highest ROIs out there. Weigh your options and try to attract as many quality leads as possible if you want the best results.Focus on User ExperienceUX is the word on everybody’s lips right now, and for a good reason. User experience affects every interaction visitors have with your website. If you have a consistently bad user experience, a nd you do nothing to address it, your conversion rates will eventually suffer.There are many things that you can do to improve your user experience. For one, you could simplify your checkout process to reduce cart abandonment. Simply allowing your new clients to sign up as guests could be enough to significantly reduce cart abandonment.You could also check your product pages to see if they are easy to understand and navigate. Poor navigation can be a literate nightmare, and a sure-fire way to detract would be customers. The goal here is to make everything simple and clear. Don’t go overboard with the design, as your products should be the center point, and anything that diverts attention away from them will hurt your conversions.Don’t be afraid that your site will be bland and strip it down as much as possible. Make sure that your products are at the center stage and that there is a clear call to action. Anything else will only serve as a distraction. You should also make sure t hat the prices are visible, and most importantly, clear. Do not make the mistake of adding hidden shipping or handling fees at checkout. This might scare away some of your customers. Make sure that your customers can easily see the real price including shipping, and if there are taxes added, make sure to make it clear to your customers as well.READCheck This List Before You Buy eCommerce HostingGo the Extra Mile to Establish TrustTrust online is, and always has, played a major role in customer behavior. The more you can establish that you’re a trustworthy vendor, the better it will be for your brand image. You could start by having all the proper security certificates and SSL protection necessary if you’re processing payments through a merchant account. If not, make sure that you use trusted options, like Paypal for instance, and display it clearly on your payment page. You should also consider registering with the BBB. The BBB, short for Better Business Bureau, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the best eCommerce practices and protecting the rights of customers.They also keep a tab on businesses with repeated offenses and businesses who are known for their good practices. So, if you do decide to register, make sure that you do everything you can to provide the best and most reliable service possible. Being in good standings with the BBB will work wonders when establishing trust among first visitors.Provide Good Support and be Easy to ReachWhen it comes to eCommerce, good communication is key. This is why it should play a central part of your eCommerce strategy. One of the best ways to establish a line of communication is by adding a live chat option to your website. You may think that this is just a minor addition, but live chat can have a direct incidence of your sales.According to a recent study, 90% of all customers surveyed said that they felt like live chat was helpful and 63% said that they would be more likely to visit a site if t here was a chat option. Furthermore, 38% of people asked said that the live chat was the very reason why they made a purchase. So, you can see how something as simple as live chat can make a huge difference in conversions.Having a toll-free telephone number that your customers can call is also a must. Not only does it facilitate communication, but it is a great way to establish trust as well. Customers will be more inclined to buy from you knowing that they can call you at any time for support.And contrarily to what you may think, a toll-free number is not that expensive. Many services offer a toll-free number that you can redirect to any phone of your choice for little more than what you pay for a regular landline. Having a clearly visible toll-free number on your front page will make your site look much more legitimate and professional.There are many ways that you can increase your conversion rates without having to break the bank or revamping your whole site. Doing something as s imple as using the user-specific message or targeting the right group of customers can make a whole world of difference on how many of your visitors end up being buyers. Make sure that you follow all the tips in this article if you want to increase your conversion rates efficiently.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Dwight Eisenhower Fast Facts
Dwight Eisenhower (1890 - 1969) was elected to the White House in 1952. He had served as the Supreme Allied Commander during World War II and was a hugely popular figure in the United States. He was able to carry 83% of the electoral vote. Ironically, he never saw active combat despite his many years in the military. Following is a list of fast facts for Dwight Eisenhower. For more in depth information, you can also read the Dwight Eisenhower Biography. Birth: October 14, 1890 Death: March 28, 1969 Term of Office: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961 Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms First Lady: Marie Mamie Geneva Doud Chart of the First Ladies Dwight Eisenhower Quote: No people can live to itself alone. The unity of all who dwell in freedom is their own sure. ~Second Inaugural AddressAdditional Dwight Eisenhower Quotes Major Events While in Office: End of the Korean War (1953)Brown v. Board of Education (1954)Interstate Highway System Created (1956)Eisenhower ordered Federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce integration (1957)Eisenhower Doctrine (1957) States Entering Union While in Office: Alaska (1959)Hawaii (1959) Related Dwight Eisenhower Resources: These additional resources on Dwight Eisenhower can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Dwight Eisenhower BiographyWant a more detailed look at Dwight Eisenhowers life from his childhood through his time as president? This biography provides detailed information to help you gain a better understanding of the man and his administration. Overview of World War IIWorld War II was the war to end aggression by ruthless dictators. The allies fought for humane treatment of all people. This war is characterized by extremes. People remember the heroes with fondness and the perpetrators of the Holocaust with hatred. Brown v. Board of EducationThis court case overturned the doctrine of Separate but Equal that had been allowed with the Plessy v. Ferguson decision in 1896. Korean ConflictThe war in Korea lasted from 1950-1953. It has been called the forgotten war because of its placement between the glory of World War II and the agony caused by the Vietnam War. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: Harry TrumanJohn F. KennedyList of American Presidents
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Character Analysis Of Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man
In the novel Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, the main character, Invisible Man, is taken on a journey to find himself and who he is. Along the way, he meets multiple people who change and morph him, but he comes to find out that he had been invisible the whole time. Not physically, of course; he could be touched and people saw him. But just because people saw him, doesn’t mean he was being seen. He was irrelevant and unnecessary, according to that time period’s society and standards. He was invisible, and being invisible means that no matter what you say or do, no one will ever really know you. Not because you’re uninteresting, but because you’re seen as low down and a tool. Or because everyone else around you is blind. This is what†¦show more content†¦Further along in Invisible Man’s journey, he is used for everyone else’s benefit, but never really cared for. Invisible Man goes to New York as directed, and runs into a variety of people. His first real job is one in a shady factory, where he gets close to and grows to like none of the other employees, but he is later invited to become a Brother in the Brotherhood. Accepting the invitation, he quickly begins to like many of his fellow Brothers. What he doesn’t know though, is that he is just a tool being used as a catalyst for an event he doesn’t support whatsoever. â€Å"...could this be what the committee had planned...crash of men against men...And I had helped, had been a tool†(Ellison, pg. 478). Invisible Man sadly admits that he was apart of the Brotherhood’s horrible game, and helped them win. No matter how close he thought he was to Brother Jack or to any of the others, or how close he thought they were to him, in the end, he had always been an invisible tool. Or a visible tool everyone else was too blind to see. The main character was clearly not invisible when it came to his speeches. When he spoke, the people listened. They not only listened, but acted as well. Of course, he was under a different name, which may have helped him with his sliver of visibility, but still to the Brothers, he wasn’t really known. Possibly, when Invisible Man gave his speeches, the audience listened and heard him soShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis of Brother Jack and Brother Tod in Ralph Ellison’s, The Invisible Man696 Words  | 3 PagesRalph Ellison’s â€Å"The Invisible Man†, is a novel that reveals the characters psychological growth. Also, in this novel the story revolves around the narrator as an individual. In this novel the narrator relates the whole story in a first person point of view in which his name is never revealed. The narrator remains a voice throughout the entire novel, never establishing a concrete presence in the story. This is why he is looked at as an à ¢â‚¬Å"invisible man.†In the novel, he is an African AmericanRead MoreThe Tone and Style of Ralph Ellisons Battle Royal Essay963 Words  | 4 PagesA short analysis of the major theme found in Ellison’s Battle Royal, supported by a literary criticism dealing with the tone and style of the story. Introduction: Ralph Ellison’s short story, Battle Royal, is mainly an account of the African American struggle for equality and identity. The narrator of the story is an above average youth of the African American community [Goldstein-Shirlet, 1999]. He is given an opportunity to give a speech to some of the more prestigious white individuals. HisRead MoreRalph Ellison’S Novel, Invisible Man Serves As A Cultural1408 Words  | 6 PagesRalph Ellison’s novel, Invisible Man serves as a cultural ethnography of the African American condition in the 1950s. 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Summary of Flying Home InRead More Themes of Honor and Shame in Invisible Man Essay1383 Words  | 6 Pages EXECUTE SHAME GENTLY Invisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, addressing many social and moral issues regarding African-American identity, including the inside of the interaction between the white and the black. His novel was written in a time, that black people were treated like degraded livings by the white in the Southern America and his main character is chosen from that region. In this figurative novel he meets many people during his trip to the North, where the black is allowed moreRead MoreInvisible Man by Ralph Ellison Essay1403 Words  | 6 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Ralph Ellison’s novel, Invisible Man, the narrator is a young, African-American male who believes that he is invisible. Throughout the novel, he spends a great amount of time and effort trying to figure out his identity and find a way to make himself visible in society. 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Furthermore, psychoanalytic criticism of authors, characters, and readers has a place in literary criticism that is as important as the plac e of psychoanalysis in society. This is because of the mimetic nature of much of modern literature. In fact, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan wrote, If psycho-analysis is to be constituted as the science of the unconscious, one must set out from the notion that the unconscious is structuredRead MoreFood As A Racial Identifier In Invisible Man. For Many1187 Words  | 5 PagesFood As A Racial Identifier in Invisible Man For many people, culture and identity are closely tied to identity-- sometimes so closely that the things they do, eat, or say may not even feel like a conscious decision. However, from an outsider’s point of view, it is easy to note the differences between cultures in many different ways. One of the most tangible examples of this is, of course, food. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflective Summary for Practical Communication - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theReflective Summary for Practical Communication Skills. Answer: Self-reflection on past experience is an essential practice that enables the development of practical communication skills, improvement of future performance and conflict resolution. This summary provides a personal reflection on the work I have done on oral presentation. Ideally, oral presentation relays information engagingly and interestingly. My presentation is about QUANTAS. This is one of the most regarded airways with global recognition. It has maintained a strong brand image by offering high-quality services to travelers and global transportation of goods which has enabled it to win its customers preference and trust. In the oral presentation, I have concentrated on a vast range of cases of QANTAS whereby some competent professional auditors are working for the development and improvement of the entire industry. Mostly, business analysis and evaluation concentrate on the financial reports of a firm. Having an excellent mastery of accounting and management knowledge has enabled me to efficiently analyze all the financial information available in QANTAS financial report. I used a range of sources to gather information about the firm. For instance, I used Textbooks to study various cases and conduct literature reviews about the firm. I also got other relevant information from some websites related to QANTAS, Journal articles, and company reports We formed a team of two members and adequately delegated roles to each other. We held meetings and worked together as a group by supporting and encouraging each other. There was an adequate exchange of information between us through clear understanding, effective communication and working together as a cohesive team throughout the period. After collecting all the relevant information, the next step entailed arranging them in slides to hold the presentation. We then decided to do the presentation together as a team. Forming the presentation was not an easy task as sometimes, we could disagree on the visual and layout of the slides. However. Through understanding and better communication skills, we managed to complete the presentation finally. Our primary strength as a team was our ability to try to understand and agree with each other in most instances. Our primary focus was to find an accurate way to solve any conflicts and disagreements that emerged between us during the group process. I made consistent efforts to collect as much information as possible about my topic and make the presentation more in-depth and exciting. Besides, time management emerged as one of my significant challenges. This is because, as a team, we had different availabilities, making it difficult to attain the final goal. But in the end, there is an adage which goes- "where there is a will there is a way" so going by this, we finally achieved our objective by completing the task. I have definitely enhanced my knowledge and understanding of different topics by participating in the presentation. Moreover, this group presentation project has enabled me to sharpen my skills and confidence in different areas of my study throughout the weeks that we were involved in preparing the presentation of the project.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Although At First Sight The DSM-IV Classification System Appears To Pr
Although at first sight the DSM-IV classification system appears to provide clinicians with a useful framework of which to view their clients, on closer inspection however, the picture is somewhat less satisfactory. Criticisms of the system range from Wakefield's (1997) analysis that psychological presentation ranges from problems of living to harmful dysfunction; through to Livesley, Schroeder & Jang's (1994) counter-argument that evidence of discontinuity between different diagnoses and normality would support the DSM's proposal of distinct diagnostic categories. Since these issues involved are quite distinct, both these points of view are presented in relation to a cause and consequence debate. Finally, conclusions are reflected in terms of the classification of the impulse control disorders not else where specified (DSM-IV, 1996). Particularly, discussion is given to the sub category of Kleptomania. Criticisms of DSM -IV classification: The four major criticisms of DSM -IV classification system are (1) that categories lack independence, (2) the principles underlying them are diverse, (3) they are too heterogeneous and (4) the reliability (consistency) and conceptual validity (correctness) (Wakefield, 1997) of diagnosis is too low to be of any value. This leads to Wakefield's (1997) argument that the diagnostic criteria of the DSM encompasses too many conditions that do not adequately reflect a true indication of one psychological disorder. Wakefield (1997) further argues that a pattern labelled 'harmful dysfunction' results in confusion between boundaries along the continuum of disorder and non-disorder. Harmful dysfunction results from a lack of consistency, clarification or identification of quite simply, what should be diagnosed where. The harm in this case can result in negative evaluation of an undesirable outcome that is placed within a specific diagnostic category. According to the harmful dysfunction analysi s, a disorder only exists where there is a clear and identifiable internal mechanism resulting in harm to the individual. However it becomes apparent that when using the DSM as a major diagnostic criteria in assessment, that many clinicians in relying heavily upon criteria, over estimate the role of dysfunction in their clients, therefore misinterpreting consequences and causes. In relating this to classification of specific distress, Wakefield's (1997) analysis of harmful dysfunction, implies that the DSM is formulated within a medical model that suggests that psychological causation is involved in all DSM-IV and preceding classification systems. In so much, common argument that all mental disorders must be brain diseases is due to the fact that all mental states are regarded as brain states in classification (Wakefield, 1997). A consequence is found through the harmful dysfunction analysis that the application of medical approaches to both physical and mental disorder, contrary to common suggestion (E.g.: the mind body dualism) are not necessarily true for all instances of behaviour (Wakefield, 1997). Therefore, one must sharply distinguish between the medical concept of a disorder from the representation of behavioural consequence. According to Wakefield (1997) when a condition involves no significant harm to the individual's overall well being or the wel l being of others, there is no disorder, even if this obvious dysfunction is a naturally selected mechanism. This notion is further discussed in relation to the overconclusivness of kleptomania in classification. In exploring this debate as relating to the impulse control disorders not elsewhere specified (ICD) - kleptomania, one can see the overlap of boundaries or in diagnostic terms, classification of what acts of impulsivity are either a cause or consequence of mental illness. Specifically, many authors (Dust, 1997; Bradford Keck, 1997; McElroy, 1992) have explored the commonality between what is described as an impulse control disorder and what results in impulsivity as a consequence of another diagnostic category. Such linkages include OCD, depression and anxiety. Table 1 summarises the overlap between kleptomania and other diagnostic criteria according the literature exploring the overconclusivness of the DSM classification system. These results indicate percentages of clients who present with Kleptomania yet held differential diagnosis in both in and out patient settings. Table 1: Depression 13% (Dust, 1997 Mood Disorders 50% (Bradford & Balmaceda, (1983), 1997) Bulimia 14.79% (Bradford & Balmaceda, (1983), 1997) Dependence Disorders 4.7% (Leyjoyeux, 1997) Mania 56% (Keck, 1997) OCD 62% (McElroy, 1992) Anxiety 23% (McElroy, 1992) Kleptomania: Debate over impulsion leading to compulsion has led to the notion according to many authors such as McElroy, Hudson, Harrison, Kreck and Aizley (1992) that impulsion is
Monday, March 9, 2020
Depression and Bipolar Disorder essays
Depression and Bipolar Disorder essays Depression and bipolar disorder affects over sixteen million people in the United States today. Many people who suffer from these disorders have trouble dealing with everyday life such as school, work, and relationships. The symptoms of these diseases can range any where from anxiety, irritably, sleeplessness or insomnia, hopelessness, and loss of energy. Even though the symptoms of depression and bipolar disease are similar, they are two very different diseases and need to be treated differently. Depression can affect a persons moods, thoughts, the way they eat, sleep, and see themselves. Symptoms of depression are persistent sadness, anxiousness, hopelessness, feelings of guilt and helplessness, loss of interest in activities, decreased energy, insomnia or oversleeping, decrease in appetite or overeating, thoughts or attempts at suicide, restlessness and irritability, and can include headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain. When a person suffers from bipolar disease, their symptoms are split into two categories a manic stage and a depressive stage. When the person is in the depressive stage, their symptoms are the same as someone suffering from depression. The manic stage is what makes these two diseases different from one another. Symptoms of the manic stage are increased energy, an excessively high or euphoric mood, extreme irritability, racing thoughts and rapid speech, inability to concentrate, not requiring much sleep, poor judgment, denial, and intrusive or aggressive behavior. Any of these symptoms whether with depression or bipolar disease can last for a week or longer depending on the person. Depression and bipolar disease can make dealing with all aspects of life almost impossible for the person suffering. There are many treatments for depression and bipolar disease. Prescription medications and therapy are the most popular. However, the treatments are different. For depression, the medications are u...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
CHAPTER 8 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CHAPTER 8 - Coursework Example When carrying out research, it is important to eliminate bias acts in the process. Using a method that freely involves any of the students will reduce biasness in the manner of selecting students for the survey. In probability sampling, there is a previous knowledge of the probability that a student participates in the survey (Maxfield and Earl, 223). The sample collected from the chosen respondents reflects the general feeling of the total population from which the samples originate. Probability sampling has advantages over other methods of survey. The first advantage is that it offers a better representation of the population than the other methods of survey. The manner of choosing the participants allows for proper representation of the people in the population. Through this, therefore, the method avoids biasness that could occur in choosing participants. The second advantage is that probability sampling gives an opportunity for the sampler to estimate the accuracy of the survey. Through drawing conclusions on probability theory, it is possible to estimate success or failure of the method accurately (Maxfield and Earl,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Public Relations Marketing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Public Relations Marketing - Coursework Example This particular study focuses on the strategic PR practice as a measure in the Department of Transport in London intending to implement campaigns addressing road accident deaths. Strategic PR: A Theoretical Background: The need for PR arises from the various problems that might arise in an organization in dealing with the PR and understanding of the organizational activities. Community relations are extremely necessary in this context. The practitioners of PR encounter various problems that require the need for strategic management. The primary role of PR practice is to manage and develop the different relations in association with an organization. This may include relation with the employees, with the general public and with any stakeholder of the organization. It has been observed through earlier studies that the usefulness of the PR is not clearly understood by the managers and that a strategic and planned technique is required in order to solve the problems. With time, the resear ch and understanding have led to successful understanding of strategic PR practice. Now, organizations are more involved with the incorporation of the PR measures and enhancing successful relationships (Austin & Pinkleton, 2006, pp.2-7). ... e might be a decline in the records of the road deaths in the city, yet the number seems to be high that requires sufficient measures to curtail the effects of drinking and drugs to take the toll on human lives. Particularly during occasions, the intake of alcohol and drugs increase creating more difficult situations to be handled. Thus based on the nature of this problem, the Department of Transport (DoT) in London requires taking measures appropriate to the needs in solving the issues and preventing such road deaths in the city. Concerned Objectives: The DoT has seriously taken up the concerns of preventing road deaths in London. As the Director of Communication at the DoT, I have plans to set up a PR firm to design and implement a public information campaign prior to the festival of Christmas and address the issues of road deaths occurring as a result of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The HM treasury has agreed to provide a budget of ?2m for the purpose. I plan t o utilize the amount in involving start-up agencies to set up for the account of Dot. The purpose of choosing start-up agencies is to restrict the excess expenditure of funds. The agencies selected are mostly comprised of postgraduates who have recently majored in the strategic communication management. The startup agencies have been selected such that the objectives are fulfilled through specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound manner. The four agencies I plan to invite are: (i) Broadgate Mainland, (ii) Diffusion PR and Communications Ltd, (iii) Startup PR, and (iv) Parys Communication. A Brief Overview: Broadgate Mainland: It is a UK based multiple awards winning independent PR agency performing their activities in several areas of PR development. The team working
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Resistance To Change Management
Resistance To Change Management From individual level to highest organizational level change is seen everywhere for their reformation and development. To cope up with globalization and for survival of the organisation a lot of companies are enforced to make their changes. But it is not always an easy task and some people are not willing to accept the change agenda because of inertia and the fare of losing their job (Edmonds, 2011). A different number of factors affect the change process and for the resistance many change program have failed (Waddell and Sohal, 1998). So for the achievement of successful change, resistance should be considered and managed accordingly (Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). The main objective of this paper is to analyse the organisational change management and specially different ways to address and minimize the resistance to manage successful change by reviewing different related literature. In first part define In this essay there are five sections, i.e. introduction, literature review, resistance to change, how to manage successful change and finally conclusion. What is Change? Before going to start review of different change models, it is important to describe the definitions and concept about organisational change to make a clear idea about it.Organisational change is the transformation of structure, quality and position by introducing latest ideas and dealings for the better performance and global adjustment of the organisation (Sckalk et. al., 1998, cited by Pardo-del-val et al., 2012). Organisational change basically in two types, where first one is evolutionary or incremental or first order change and anotherone is strategic or transformational or revolutionary or second order change (Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). The first category of change is a small scale change which improve the quality within the same framework on the other hand, second category of change is a radical one, organizational structure and basic framework are completely change here (Blumenthal and Haspeslag, 1994). The main objectiveof radical change is to improve the potent ials of the organisation for competing the market (Ruiz and Lorenzo, 1999). However organisational change also classified as planned change and emergent change(Bamford and Forrester, 2003).The planned approach organisational change highlights the different status which an organisation will have to shift from an unacceptable position to recognized desired position (Eldrod II and Tippett, 2002). The emergentchange suggests that it is an unpredictable and undesirable continuous method of adjustment to changing environments (Burnes, 2004). But uncertainty of circumstances create emergent approach more significant (Bamford and Forrester, 2003). So, an organization should identify the requirements of change and how to deal with that changes (Burnes, 2004). Although for the existence and effective competition successful management of change is highly required (Luecke, 2003). Why Change Basically change is requiredfor the global economic crisis, technological advancement, market competition and development of the organization (Brisson-Bank, 2010). Edmonds (2011) argued that some factors influence the organization for changing their strategy and forms. The factors are governmental change, joining with another one, global economic challenges, different formation, Strategy for leaving business, technological advancement and business strategy. Dawson, (1994) also described that, a single instrument or entire design of manufacturing process may be restored in the technological change process. When the structure or formation of an organization change it involves the employee structure, reward system and organisational communication system. Governmental or legislative change includes different policies, environmental control, employment opportunity etc. These factors are generally inter-reliant. For instance technological change may need skilled employee, competition among local engineering workforce etc. So, change is intended to different points but it cannot satisfy all. In reality it cannot be managed completely. He also added that if people are not clearly informed about change before implementation they make a resistance against the change process. Paton and McCalman, (2000) argues that naturally a favorable environment is created and accepted by an organization. When change is required, whatever it may be, the organization will face the resistance by its employee, stakeholder, customer, dealer, and distributor, because they feel comfortable with the present environment and frightened with uncertainty regarding change. He also added that the resistance can be reduced but this uncertainty cannot be eradicated completely. Resistance to change: Now it is important to give an idea about the barrier which hinders the change process at its different stages is resistance. So, resistance is defined asan opposing trend which affects the change agenda by delaying start, blocking implementation and raising theprice(Ansof, 1990, cited byPardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003).In addition resistance always wants to maintain status quo. It has a tendency to keep away from change as inertia (Rumelt, 1995). Resistance is indicated as the main cause of problem of implementation and failure of change agenda (Erwin and Garman, 2010). Dawson (2003) recognizes some factors which create resistance i.e.changing of job nature, transfer of job or economic insecurity, psychological pressure, lowering status and disturbance in societal arrangement. Graetz et al. (2002) has identified four main perceptions of resistance to change which are (cited by Hughes, 2006); the psychological model the system model the institutional approach, and theorganisational cultures approach. The psychological model indicates the resistance which is created by individuals behavior. The system model recommends that people do not resist change but they resist what they are losing.Resistance is establishedinorganisational formation, administrative procedure, and allocation of assets at the institutional approach. As the consequence of organisational culture resistance can be described in this approach(Hughes, 2006). Hambrick and Cannella (1989) have classified the resistance as three types which are as blind resistance, political resistance and ideological resistance. The persons of blind resistance type are considered to befrightened in any kind of changes. The considerations of political resistance type persons are to lose something valuable after the implementation of change. More over the persons of ideological resistance type consider thattheir establishedvalues may be tarnished if change is implemented (Hughes, 2006). Greetz et al. (2002) classified the resistance as active and passive where active resistance is occur at the time of aggressive change and passive resistance is occur at the period of indirect change. Continuum On the other hand Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes,( 2003) added that resistace is not always a negative notion when change is not very favorable.InadditionMabin et al., (2001) also argued that for the improvement of the quality of decision for transformation resistance can be make a positive role. Some factors createthe resistance at different stages of change process. Resistance creates difficulties at the stage of strategy formulation and at the stage of implementation. More over the sources of resistance are divided in five groups where first three groups act as the sources of resistance at the formulation stage and last two groups act as the sources of resistance at the implementation stage (Rumelt, 1995; cited by Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). Wrong perception: At the initial stage it is important toassess the needs for change, so incorrectassessment is the first barrier of change. It is also known as the barrier of interpretation.It contains another factors short-term mind set and do not have the clear idea about future strategy, Information rejection tendency, continuationof thoughts or trend to continue thoughts at the changingsituation, implied assumptions, barrier of communication, and organisational silence. Lower motivation: When change is done for a product manufacturing but it can create some problems for another. Different interest groups are involved in the change process. So sacrifice and motivation is needed. Shortage of innovative response: Reactive mentality and lack of commitment of highest authority are the main factors of this stage. Cultural and political gap: Politics of different sections, specific discrepancy among different groups, different values and environment for implementation are the main factors of this group. Another sources: Different sources are acted in the last group i.e. ineffective leadership, unplanned routines, problem of group action, shortage of required capabilities and distrust. How to manage resistance to successful change: Bamford and Forrester (2003) argues that management literature did not make any consensus about a suitable approach forsuccessfully managing organisational change. Some disagreements are always prevailing in this field. So change managers are confused to take decision for choosing the appropriate approach. They did not find any effective and reliable approach for applying in change management. If uncertainty is created by resistance not by change then resistance to change will be the major concern to manage not change itself (Carnall, 2003). Dowson (2003) has suggested that by participation, communication, support, negotiation, influence and force complexities of resistance can beovercome. He also argued that organizational development model supports the participatory approaches. In the reality it is better to employee involvement in the change process rather imposed by the management (Hughes, 2006). Resistance is created in major changes but negative effects of resistance can be red uced by open discussion andopenly discussed resistance is easily manageable than the resistance of unexpressed (Conner, 1998). It is necessary to be practical for managing resistance the nature and context of the resistance should be analyzed by the change managers (Hughes, 2006). The participatory approach is widely analyzed for its effectiveness and mostly discussed in business area as an important issue to smooth the progress of organisational change (Pardo-del-val et al., 2012). Generally, at present participatory management is playing an important part for reducing the resistance (Waddell and Sohal, 1998). Participatory approach is well received for its better creativeness and decision make (Lawler, 1993). Now it is important to know about the participative management and its impact on reducing resistance to organisational change. Participative management is a style where employees are involved in every step of the change process from decision making to implementation (Cole et al., 1993; cited byPardo-del-val et al., 2012). It is known as a traditionalconception in management literatureabout eighty years (Lawler, 1993). Managers share the decisions with the employees through information technology, training, management culture and leadership (Pardo-del-Val and Lloyd, 2003).The participative approach is generally recognized as the best method for managing resistance to organisational change which acts on two steps, firstly by decreasing resistance and then by increasing efficiency (Pardo-del-val et al., 2012).The success of changeprogramme depends on the proper identification of major sources of resistance. The change process start from its first step taking decision staff involvement is required from this stage. There is a connection between participation and commitment, and resistance is reduced by that commi tment. So the literatures opine that it is the best way to defeat resistance by the participationof all people (Pardo-del-val et al., 2012).When people feel that they are involved in the change process as well as decision making process a commitment is grown inside them by participating in the programme. Then the resistance created by the employees can be reduced by sharing the responsibilities within managers and staffs (Zeffane, 1996). Time consumption is the only shortcomingof this approach otherwisefor growing commitment and feeling it is very convenient process to manage resistance for a successful change (Lenz and Lyles, 1986). Communication is another process to implement change programme by reducing resistance (Hughes, 2006). It is impossible to make changes of an organization without effective communication with staffs (Barrett, 2002). Where communication is essential it depends on the nature, urgency, promptness and reactions of change (Quirke. 1995). The change management is generally a top down procedure, so management should provide information to the employee for clarify the necessity of transformation (Hayes, 2002). Balogun and Hope Hailey (2004) argued some reasons for communication in organizational change; Employees do not like to receive information from rumor; they always desire to know the information of change from their higher authority. Employees can realize and adjust if communicate with them earlier. Employees like to hear authentic information. Employees want to know about changes and do not like hidden policy. Finally Hughes, (2006) argued that the strategic communication is necessary for a strategic change. So, by proper communication resistance can be reduced to manage successful change. Moreover, middle managers can play an important role for both reduce the resistance and implement the change.Bamford and Forrester (2003) argue that senior managers are mainly involved with policy formulation and control but middle managers are directly involved with customer, workers and suppliers. So, operating managers have the multi-dimensional experience. They can predict the consequences of transformation. For these reasons necessary measures and adaptation policies can be taken. Middle managers can displayand filter the proposal of change initiatives and suggest to authority. Then senior managers can take decision by analyzing the proposals of middle managers. The planned change can be executedby managers with their understanding and experiences but emergent changes related to development cannot be executed solely, it needs multifunctional approaches (Wilson, 1992). Additionally Edmonds (2011) argued that team work and training have the role to implement change by decreasing resistance. He asserts that team sets task, scheduling and aim to achieve goal and develops interpersonal relations which is important for change initiatives. Edmonds also emphasized that some special skills are essentialfor manage different types of changes. Training is the basic way to attainthose skills. Finally Taylor (1999) added that training can support to understand the implementation procedure of change and clear the ambiguity. Recommendations for Further Research: Drawing the attention on change agenda, there may be basic requirement of an appropriate outline for the management of organisational change. Due to shortage of experimental study on change management in organisations, it is recommended that more research into the character of change management will be directed. The primary stage may be to complete investigative studies to enhance the understanding themanagement oforganisational change.The significant success factors can be identified by these studies for the change management. Moreover, it is very much essential to determine success rate for creating a suitable structure of change management. Therefore, determinationtechniques should be intended (Todnem By, 2005). Conclusion: Change is a continuous process for organisational development and adjusting with modern world. So, managing change is an important issue for an organization and successfully management of it is highly required (Todnem By, 2005). In the process of management of change resistance is a factor which is to be considered. So success of change depends on the success of managing resistance. Where, resistance wants to keep the organization in its current position by delaying the process. There are different factors acting as resistance which are organizational values, interests of the employees, communication gap, stillness of organization, and lack of capabilities of management and employees. So, management should consider these factors to reduce resistance for successful change (Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003). To reduce the resistance to change there is no universal way but some probable approaches are suggested in different management literature. Executives should give proper concentration for their needs. Moreover Pardo-del-val et al., (2012) suggested that participative management can be the one of the best way to reduce resistance. He also added that participative approach canproperlyaddressthe mentioned sources of resistance as a result output of the change process can be improved.He showed a positive relation between employee participation and resistance. Any complicacy related to change process can be resolved by the participation of staffs (Waddell and Sohal, 1998). Furthermore the barriers of change programme can be removed by open discussion (Beer and Eisenstat, 1996). Finally Pardo-del-val Martinez Fuentes, 2003 suggested that change managers can take an important role to implement successful organizational change. Managers have to know the effect of change on organisational culture and take probable measures to develop before start. This measure will be helpful to develop the relation between staffs and managers. He also emphasized that training can lessen the resistance by reducingthe barriers of communication and develop the essential skills for the change. Reference:Claire V. Brisson-Banks, (2010),Managing change and transitions: a comparison of different models and their commonalities, Library Management, Vol. 31 Iss: 4 pp. 241 252 John Edmonds, (2011),Managing successful change, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 43 Iss: 6 pp. 349 353 Paton, R.A. and McCalman, J. (2000), Change Management: A guide to effective implementation, Sage, London.
Monday, January 20, 2020
After the Bomb by Gloria Miklowitz :: After the Bomb by Gloria Miklowitz
After the Bomb            After the Bomb written by Gloria Miklowitz is a thrilling novel that takes place before, during, and after a bomb which supposedly was sent from Russia by accident. L.A. and surrounding cities are all altered by the disastrous happening. Philip Singer a teenager is in a position as leader of the family. His brother Matt is awfully sick, possibly from radiation, his father was away at work during the blast and for all Philip knows he might be dead, and his mother was desperately injured and needs immediate attention. Hospitals are flooded with injured and dying people and the government doesn't send help for a few days. The badly injured don't even get the chance to be helped because the hospitals have to send the ones that are likely going to live to hospitals that specialize in burns. His mother is so badly burned that the hospitals put her on the bottom of the list to be flown to burn centers. By the end of the novel Philip has taken charge, snuck his mom ahead to be flown to a burn center, and in a sense saved his town from thirst. He truly survived the terror, shock, and danger of the bomb. The novel goes through a couple of settings such as, Philip's struggle to keep his family alive, and the conflict between the nature of a nuclear bomb against the Los Angeles area. When the bomb hits he is playing around in a playroom shelter with his brother and his girlfriend. They go out to find out what had happened and found burning houses, their house only left with one wall, rubble on the ground, debris all over the place, and people running frantically for shelter. Philip's brother became sick after finding his mother and bringing her back down to the shelter, and found that his mother had been burnt severely and needed immediate medical attention. Philip struggles to keep his brother from getting even more sick than he was and to bring his mother to a hospital. Philip's family weren't the only people affected by the bomb. the entire surrounding area of Los Angeles was pounded by a devastating bomb. Churches, Hospitals, and streets were flooded with sick, dying, and even dead people. Hospitals that were built to only withstand 200 people now have thousands, and hospitals lack food, doctors, and water.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Inside Islam notes Essay
Islam means Peace and Submission (The peace that comes from submission, the attention to God that comes from peace.) Allah Akbar means â€Å"God is great.†Sunni = 85% of Muslim population; Shia = 10%; Sufi less than 5% Islam is not only a religion of the Middle East: largest population of Muslims is in India. Largest Islamic country is Indonesia. Of same faith tradition as both Christians and Jews Muslims & Jews are both monotheistic, differ only on mainly messianic theology Places of worship differ yet can coexist; Spain fostered all three Abrahamic faiths during pre-Ferdinand and Isabella era (pre-1492) Part 2 of 9: Pre Muslim Mecca, Quraish tribe, Muhammad’s early years & first vision, Qur’an, 1st pillar shahadah, and start of 2nd pillar prayer: Muslims descended from Hagar and Ishmael, who fled to the desert Abraham, according to Muslim legend, built Ka’ba Quraysh tribe controlled Mecca as trading city. Later put icons and statues of various tribal Gods inside Ka’ba so Mecca would become even more important as a pilgrimage site. Muhammad was born several generations later in 570 AD into a wealthy family. His dad died, his grandfather sent him to live with trading caravans. As a young man he became a talented caravanier, married Khadijah Muhammad illiterate, so others recorded his recitations Qur’an means â€Å"recitation,†a mix of poetry, stories, admonitions, advice and warnings. Part 3 of 9: 2nd pillar (prayer) continued, Muhammad gains followers, conflict with Meccans, Hijra, to Ummayad dynasty; beginning of 3rd pillar: Muhammad gave sermons against polytheism to pilgrims arriving at the Ka’ba in Mecca; was persecuted by Quraish Muhammad had no strong political ally, few followers initially. Journeyed to Yathrib (later named Medina, â€Å"City of the Prophet†) to arbitrate dispute between city states. Became year 0 in Islamic calendar, 622 CE. Set up first Islamic community (Ummah) Meccans were enraged, attacked Medina to destroy Muslims. Battle of Badr, outnumbered by Meccans, yet Medinans won Muslims triumphed 630 AD Muslims returned to Mecca Cleansed Abraham’s sacred temple (Ka’ba) of idols of pilgrims, kept the Ka’ba (lit. â€Å"cube†) as the central expression of monotheism Offered Meccans freedom for peace, many converted Arab tribes came to pay tribute to Muhammad and convert Umayyads 1st dynasty 750  Within a century of Muhammad’s death Muslims controlled more land than the Roman Empireâ€â€Turkey to parts of China. Jews and Christians were exempt from conversion to Islam 3rd pillar: Charity is heavily emphasized in the Qur’an, even more than the subordinate status of women Part 4 of 9: 3rd pillar, charity, continued; 4th pillar, Ramadan, Abbasid dynasty; Crusades; Mongols: 3rd Pillar: Charity: From everything you own you give 2.5% All money collected must be given to those in need One must follow the fast during the month of Ramadan as the 4th pillar Fast lasts from sunrise till sunset Exceptions are made for the sick, weak, children, and the mothers who are expecting It’s a time to intensify your efforts to build your relationship with God The festival of the great Eid (Lit. festival) of the breaking of the fast Shia split from the Sunni after the death of Hussein (680 AD) There was a discrepancy of how leaders should be put in place Shia believed that leaders should be direct descendants of Muhammad Sunni believed leadersshould be elected democratically 8th century golden age in Iraq, Abbasid dynasty arose in Bagdad Abbasids valued learning, Greek philosophy and natural science. Algebra invented, decimals, exponents. Medicine developed, orthopedics, mental illness treatment, surgery. Crusades: Jerusalem is 3rd most sacred city for Muslims 1099: Christians slaughter 30k Muslims 1258 Genghis Khan’s grandson & his Mongols plundered Bagdad Part 5 of 9: Mongol era: 5th Pillar, Hajj; in Spain, interfaith cooperation: The Mongol Khan becomes a Muslim, Lesser pilgrimage can be taken to Mecca at any time of the year (min 0:30) Hajj, the greater pilgrimage, occurs only once a year a. Ihram1 = 2 white cloths in which you will be buried are worn during Hajj, significance is equality, Ihram2 is also = peaceful demeanor to accept all as brothers & sisters. b. Ablution (ritual washing) leads to first stage: circumambulation 7 times God is the axis of one’s life c. 2nd step is to march between 2 hills representing Hagar’s search for water for Ismael; represents one’s struggle in life d. Next day they travel to the plain of Arafat. Pilgrims walk in quiet prayer confessing sins at Mount of Arafat. e. Next, to Mina to throw stones at 3 pillars representing Satan, sins are forgiven f. Last event prayer service at Ka’ba Muslim scholars preserved writings from hordes 711 CE: Muslims arrive at Gibraltar a. Called Moors, dwelled in Andalusia, cities of Cordoba & Seville b. Horticulture, math, navigation developed c. Muslim, Jewish & Christian scholars worked together became a source for the Renaissance Part 6 of 9: Spain, Ottoman Empire; place of women; Colonialism: Reconquista, Christian re-conquest of Spain expelling Moors and forcing conversion or expulsion of Jews 1492 the Moors were kicked out of Spain 1453 Greek Constantinople fell to Muslim troops; name changed to Istanbul = â€Å"Islam in Abundance†Sultan was the ruler of Islamic Ottoman society. Sultan means ruler Sultan’s Harem (Haram – forbidden, taboo)– group of concubines, in Western eyes they are dens of iniquity, but in Islamic practice they were centers of protection for women and sources for caucusing about political power Islamic polygamy: all wives need to be treated equally Women’s rights clearly defined in Qur’an Qur’an tried to do away with negativism toward women. Gave women basic rights, To own property, receive inheritance, vote (1300 years before western societies permitted it), choose spouse The hijab – the cloth that Islamic women wear on their heads Symbol of humility before God became a symbol of oppression in eyes of West Burka refers to a total body covering In the 1800s the Europeans start taking advantage of the Islamic world, esp with Industrial Revolution Ottomans weakened, starting with Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt. Part 7 of 9: Suez Canal; France colonizes Algeria; WWI; colonialism; Wahabism, Jihad: Colonial sense of superiority disparaged Muslims France took over northern Africa and the northern part of the Middle East, discouraging Arabic language and Islamic faith. England expanded into Egypt after creating the Suez Canal, also taking the Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, and Iraq. Ottomans sided with Germany in WWI, so England & France took Muslim lands when Germany lost (min 2:40) Muslim Brotherhood arose in Egypt in 1928 Some Muslim states encouraged western style central authoritarian dictatorships; Muslim Brotherhood resisted these. Following WW2 Muslims throughout European colonies rose up, demanding release from the European counties. Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahab – became a leader in the Islamic world, preaching an ascetic, puritanical form of Islam Created Wahabism, founded Saudi State, merging desert warrior spirit with puritanical reform. Very fundamental and radical form of Islam Was supported by Saud family, who would become rulers of Saudi Arabia Oil gave Saudis great wealth allowing them to expand Wahabist beliefs. Giving the money to organizations has caused an even more radical group of beliefs to arise Jihad = â€Å"struggle.†The greater jihad is the struggle of one’s will against one’s passions and weaknesses, an inner struggle. The lesser jihad is a defensive war, using just war criteria. Some groups called for a radical Jihad –war against western nations The end justifying the means leads to terrorism. Osama Bin-Laden in particular Part 8 of 9: Malcolm X; Israel; Iran hostage crisis, Iraq: Malcolm X: â€Å"We (blacks) did not land on Plymouth Rock; the rock was landed on us†Walhid Farad formed the Nation of Islam Elijah Poole joined him; changed name to Elijah Muhammad & took charge in 1934 Malcolm Little heard about Nation of Islam in Prison, changed name to Malcolm X Malcolm X: â€Å"What was your name before you lost it?†Malcolm X came back from hajj inspired to join Nation of Islam to traditional Islam; Gunned down By 1975, Elijah’s son brought about Malcolm X’s dream: changed name to World Community of Islam Louis Farrakhan continued in old ways of separation Israel made a state in 1948. In 6 Day War in 1967 tensions increased with Muslims 1978 Iran’s Shah fell to Shiite Ayatollah Khomeini; US cast as â€Å"Great Satan†Students took US embassy workers in Tehran as hostages for 444 days Sadat in Egypt assassinated; he had signed a peace treaty with Israel. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990; coalition lead by US stopped him, imposed no-fly Zone Part 9 of 9: Suicide bombing; Islamic hell & heaven; wrap up: 9/11 made people aware not only of radical fringe of Islam, but also of the peaceful Muslim neighbors. Even in heaven one cannot see God Pleas for peace Few stable & fair Muslim governments have replaced colonial governments Part 1 of 9: Intro and basic facts: Part 2 of 9: Pre Muslim Mecca, Quraish tribe, Muhammad’s early years & first vision, Qur’an, 1st pillar shahadah, and start of 2nd pillar prayer: Part 3 of 9: 2nd pillar (prayer) continued, Muhammad gains followers, conflict with Meccans, Hijra, to Ummayad dynasty; beginning of 3rd pillar: Part 4 of 9: 3rdpillar, charity, continued; 4th pillar, Ramadan, Abbasid dynasty; Crusades; Mongols: Part 5 of 9: Mongol era: 5thPillar, Hajj; in Spain, interfaith cooperation: Part 6 of 9: Spain, Ottoman Empire; place of women; Colonialism: Part 7 of 9: Suez Canal; France colonizes Algeria; WWI; colonialism; Wahabism, Jihad: Part 8 of 9: Malcolm X; Israel; Iran hostage crisis, Iraq: Part 9 of 9: Suicide bombing; Islamic hell & heaven; wrap up:
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Marian Wright Edelman, Childrens Rights Activist
Marian Wright Edelman (born June 6, 1939) is an American lawyer, educator, and childrens rights activist. In 1973, she founded the Childrens Defense Fund, an advocacy and research group. Edelman was the first African-American woman to be admitted to the Mississippi state bar. Fast Facts: Marian Wright Edelman Known For: Edelman is a childrens rights advocate who founded the Childrens Defense Fund.Born: June 6, 1939 in Bennettsville, South CarolinaParents: Arthur Jerome Wright and Maggie Leola BowenEducation: Spelman College, Yale Law SchoolAwards and Honors: MacArthur Fellowship, Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, National Womens Hall of Fame, Community of Christ International Peace Award, Presidential Medal of FreedomSpouse: Peter Edelman (m. 1968)Children: Joshua, Jonah, EzraNotable Quote: So much of Americas tragic and costly failure to care for all its children stems from our tendency to distinguish between our own children and other peoples childrenâ€â€as if justice were divisible. Early Life Marian Wright Edelman was born on born June 6, 1939, and raised in Bennettsville, South Carolina, one of five children. Her father Arthur Wright was a Baptist preacher who taught his children that Christianity required service in this world and was influenced by A. Phillip Randolph. Her mother was Maggie Leola Bowen. Marians father died when she was only 14 years old. In his last words to her, he urged her not to let anything get in the way of your education. Education Edelman went on to study at Spelman College. She studied abroad on a Merrill scholarship and later traveled to the Soviet Union on a Lisle fellowship. When she returned to Spelman in 1959, Edelman became involved in the civil rights movement. This work inspired her to drop her plans to enter the foreign service and study law instead. As a law student at Yale University, she worked on a project to register African-American voters in Mississippi. Career In 1963 after graduating from Yale Law School, Edelman worked first in New York for the NAACP Legal and Defense Fund and then in Mississippi for the same organization. There, she became the first African-American woman to practice law. During her time in Mississippi, she worked on racial justice issues connected with the civil rights movement and helped get a Head Start program established in her community. During a tour by Robert Kennedy and Joseph Clark of Mississippis poverty-ridden Delta slums, Marian met Peter Edelman, an assistant to Kennedy, and the next year she moved to Washington, D.C., to marry him and to work for social justice in the center of Americas political scene. The couple had three sons: Joshua, Jonah, and Ezra. Jonah is the founder of Stand for Children, a group that promotes childrens education initiatives, and Ezra is a documentary filmmaker who won an Emmy for his film O.J.: Made in America. In Washington, D.C., Edelman continued her social justice work, helping to organize Martin Luther Kings Poor Peoples Campaign and assisting with the efforts of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She then began to focus on issues related to child development and child poverty. Childrens Defense Fund In 1973, Edelman established the Childrens Defense Fund as a voice for poor, minority, and disabled children. She served as a public speaker on behalf of these children, and also as a lobbyist in Congress and both president and administrative head of the organization. The agency served not only as an advocacy organization, but as a research center, documenting the problems of children in need and searching for ways to help them. To keep the agency independent, she saw that it was financed entirely with private funds. The Childrens Defense Fund has supported a variety of the legislation, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which created protections for children with disabilities in the classroom; the Childrens Health Insurance Program, which expanded health insurance coverage for children; and the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, which improved foster care programs. Edelman has published several books about her ideas. The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours was a surprising success. In the 1990s after Bill Clinton was elected President, First Lady Hillary Clintons involvement with the Childrens Defense Fund brought significant attention to the organization. But Edelman did not pull her punches in criticizing the Clinton administrations legislative agendaâ€â€including its welfare reform initiativesâ€â€when she believed it would be disadvantageous to the nations neediest children. In 1993, the Childrens Defense Fund launched a Freedom Schools initiative to promote literacy and learning through reading. The group also launched a program that awards college scholarships and trains young leaders. The Childrens Defense Fund has also been involved in efforts to help low-income families with childcare and healthcare. As part of the efforts of the Childrens Defense Fund, Edelman has also advocated for pregnancy prevention, child care funding, health care funding, prenatal care, and gun control. In 1985, she received a MacArthur Genius grant, and in 1991 she was named ABCs Person of the Weekâ€â€The Childrens Champion. Edelman is also the recipient of more than 65 honorary degrees. In 2000, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedomâ€â€one of the nations highest honors. Books Edelman is the author of numerous books for children and adults. Her titles for young readers include Im Your Child, God: Prayers for Our Children, Guide My Feet: Prayers and Meditations for Our Children, The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours, and Stand for Children. Edelmans books for adults include Lanterns: A Memoir of Mentors, I Dream a World, and Families in Peril: An Agenda for Social Change. Sources Edelman, Marian Wright. The Measure of Our Success: a Letter to My Children and Yours. Beacon Press, 1993.Siegel, Beatrice. Marian Wright Edelman: the Making of a Crusader. Simon Schuster, 1995.
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